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BSSA announced winners from all years for ESQUISSE Design competition

BSSA announced winners from all years for ESQUISSE Design competition organized by BSSA in December 2017. The site for ESQUISSE 2017 was based on the municipal market in Juhu and the task was to re think the way the market exists and add an element of a community space to the new design.

BSSA student council editorial committee has published architectural editorial

BSSA student council editorial committee has published architectural editorial issue named 'Newsletter Vol. 2 ARCHITECTURE+(PUBLIC) SPACES September 2017' which speaks about students’ work - a brief compilation of works within our college community. It is profound belief that this interaction shall help to develop apprehension towards creations within BSSA.

Table tennis tournament

The sports committee of the BSSA student council organized a month long table tennis tournament. Making students play both intra- class as well as inter-class helped create an enthusiastic interaction. Three categories are being played:
SINGLES (boys and girls)
DOUBLES (boys and girls)
MIXED DOUBLES (boys and girls)

Finals to be played and results shall be announced at the end of month.

Open studio – Workshop conducted on 8th August, 2017 on photography Skill. Details of Workshop:

It was taken by our current 5th year Student, Abhijeet Karwa, where he talked about general rules of photography, things to consider while clicking pictures, mainly architectural pictures. It was more of a senior-junior interactive studio, where juniors could learn from seniors experience and body of work

BSSA student council editorial committee has published architectural editorial

BSSA student council editorial committee has published architectural editorial issue named 'Newsletter Vol. 1 Blueprint August 2017' which speaks about students’ work - a brief compilation of works within our college community. It is profound belief that this interaction shall help to develop apprehension towards creations within BSSA.

Open studio – Movie screening conducted on 31st July, 2017 on 'Sita Sings the Blues' by Nina Paley. Details of Movie Screening:

It is a 2008 animated film written, directed, produced and animated by American artist Nina Paley. It intersperses events from the Ramayana, light-hearted but knowledgeable discussion of historical background by a trio of Indian shadow puppets, musical interludes voiced with tracks by Annette Hanshaw and scenes from the artist's own life. The ancient mythological and modern biographical plot are parallel tales, sharing numerous themes.

Open studio – Movie screening conducted on 24th July, 2017 on 'The Human Scale- Andreas Dalsgaard'. Details of Movie Screening: 

A documentary is about the design of cities, which looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world's foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers.

BSSA student council editorial committee has published architectural editorial issue named 'Pilot' which speaks about students’ work - a brief compilation of works within our college community. It is our profound belief that this interaction shall help to develop apprehension towards creations within BSSA.

BSSA Student Council conducted a inter-college competition for all the years. The basic aim of the competition was to take a realistic image, already existing objects and using the medium of Photoshop, edit it into a fiction scene which can be futuristic in nature. The competition was judged by our esteemed Dean and Atrey Chhaya.


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